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Momo Fali's: Milestones

Monday, August 2, 2010


I didn't even realize it at the time, but my last blog post was my 500th. I had another post prepared for today, but as I logged in to type it, I saw the big 5-0-0 was hit a few days ago.

Five hundred posts and over three years of my life spent here at my home away from home. Momo Fali's isn't just a blog for me; it has been my journey through time. Even if most of that time was spent as an insomniac in an Ambien-induced haze.

You might think that I would be looking forward to my 500th post. Anticipating it, planning it and crafting each word carefully. Umm...nope. I haven't even planned dinner lately.

As I have come to realize, anticipating and planning don't necessarily mean that things will turn out the way you intended. I didn't anticipate having two premature kids. I didn't plan for a child with health and behavioral problems. My husband and I didn't craft our (legitimate) careers in the mortgage industry, only to have the housing market come crashing down around us.

I know I'm not alone. Life throws curve balls at everyone and, sometimes, you just get blind-sided by a hit that you never even saw coming.

When my son was an infant, things were such a struggle that I continuously told myself, "Don't take it day to day, or hour to hour...just take it minute to minute". I knew I could do anything for a minute, so I taught myself to function for 60 seconds at a time.

This is probably why I didn't see my 500th post coming. I have learned not to look too far ahead because what appears isn't usually painted like the picture in my head. As a matter of fact, I try to imagine the worst so that I end up pleasantly surprised. That's right. The worst. I can paint some seriously ugly pictures up in here.

This doesn't mean that I am negative, just anxiety-ridden. I am a worrier. I am helped by medication, but I am still the woman who goes to therapy with her son and has the psychologist spend a quarter of the allotted time discussing my cuticle picking.

Given the course of my life, filled with twists and turns and sinkholes, I think it's fitting that I am, instead, celebrating my 501st post.

In my case, it is truly something to celebrate when there was no fretting involved whatsoever.

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501 big congrats to you! I have been following your blog for a while now and love your 'take' on things. While I know that every parent struggles with their 'job' at times, I can appreciate that having a child with health issues must make life just that much more complicated. I hope you continue to write your blog, because I enjoy reading it!
It's funny, I was thinking just today that I need to start expecting nothing, therefore I can be pleasantly surprised and think of anything I do get as a gift. And I mean that in a positive way, not a pessimistic way.
Congrats on post #501, I think that's a fabulous post to celebrate. Who says even 100's are all that special anyway? ;-)
501 posts is quite an accomplishment! Congratulations!It took me awhile to realize that life was going to throw me curve balls and that I needed to draw on a lot of strength to get through it all. I can relate to the insomnia and worry. As a matter of fact my husband says my middle name is worry. I wish I would have thought of living life minute to minute, instead of hour to hour, or day to day. It might have eased some of the burdens. I hope in the future that life only throws you home runs. I'm looking forward to reading many more of your posts. Take care.
Yay for 501! Through all your trials and tribulations, I'm just glad that you are around to share it all with us and to sit back and enjoy the funny.
Happy 501st! xoxoxoxoxo
60 seconds at a time sounds about right to me. Congrats on 501 lady!
Congratulations on reaching over 500, what an accomplishment! I cannot even imagine the obstacles and challenges that you are faced with daily. You definitely are a strong person with an enduring spirit.
happy 501. your blog is wonderful. truly something to be proud of
You're a mom, of course you didn't have a moment to notice the 500th. That's why a celebration of your 501 is so appropriate! Love it!

I am currently posting a story about a life like ours at I hope you will take a peek.

And all the changes you didn't anticipate - John Lennon said it best, "Life is what happens when you're busy making plans..."
It's amazing how things sneak UP on you. Congrats on the 501s...their great jeans too...sorry..ADD...anyway, you make me laugh, tear UP, smile, and think...and wonder how you do it all.

Great job!

I know those 'minute to minute' times, and you go through these with grace and humor. I am in awe of you.

Congrats on your 501th!
Congrats on 501!

I, too, am currently living the 60 second life. However, sometimes second-by-second works best...
Congratulations on your 501(th?) post! I am so glad to know you, and so proud to call you my friend.

Great job on 501! My wife and I learned that plans hardly ever go as you intended, now having two children with special needs. However, that's never stopped us from going through the planning process and then coming up with at least three to five scenarios so that we are pleasantly surprised (as you said) when one works or a new one arises that we didn't even consider. We've come to learn that when the chips fall where they may, it's sometimes best for all involved and life is just funny that way. Great job with your blog. All the best.
Congrats on 500 and beyond. Impressive. I am closing in on 400 myself, and still plugging away.
Congrats on 500 and beyond. Living minute by minute is really a challenge. I wish I had your strength and could slow it down like that.
I love this. And happy 501, my friend. I think it's important to remind ourselves that when minute to minute is all we can do, then it is enough. And in some ways, it is a gift: it is a way to savor the good things without always feeling the need to look forward to the next moment rather than living in this one. You are a wonderful mother, as your online life makes so clear. I celebrate this with you (two days late, as I am not keeping up with anything lately...)
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