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Momo Fali's: Off Field Error

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Off Field Error

My eight year old son has, undeniably, struggled with everything he has ever tackled. Nowhere has this been more evident than in the sports arena.

We tried soccer, but he was only about the size of a three year old at the time. A 35 pound kid with a heart defect and reflux does not a soccer star make. When the coach would put him in, he would simply run across the field to where we were sitting and ask, "Can we leave now?"

Last year we tried t-ball. He liked it. Mostly, he enjoyed the free snow cone at the concession stand after the games and watching the trains that run on the tracks behind the field, but whatever. Progress is progress, people.

Now that he has reached the soaring height of a four year old he has moved on to coach-pitch baseball. This seems to be an ideal sport for him. There isn't too much running and sometimes there is bubble-gum in the dugout.

However, that doesn't mean it has been easy. Although he has a great swing he only had two hits in the first two games.

But last night he hit the ball every time he was at bat. He even had a double. Okay, it was a single with an overthrown ball so he was allowed to advance to second, but again...whatever.

During that inning, he scored his first run. The parents from our team were cheering so much when he reached home plate that he was positively beaming with pride. He waved at everyone as if we were his adoring fans and, at one point, I thought he was actually going to bow.

After the game, one of those parents congratulated him by saying, "Hey, buddy! You played great tonight!"

Then we realized that even modesty comes hard for him when he replied, "I know."

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aww how sweet!
Oh, but how great is it that the whole team was cheering him on? He may not be physically the strongest on the team, but that says a whole lot about his spirit. Good for him!
Hey, he's got good self esteem: that's all! :)
Modesty has its place. He clearly knows that. :)
Hey now, that is awesome!
When he's right, he's right. Way to go! I hope he has a great season.
were their pictures? because I have never seen a kid grow 5 feet in an hour.
Your kid is awesome, modesty be damned!
He knows how to make people laugh, that's for sure!
I don't mean to imply that I didn't read this post, or that it's not great, but I misread the title as Oil Field Error and kept thinking that the story didn't make sense at all.

You wouldn't want to live in my head. Trust me.
First of all, Piper of Love is cracking me UP UP there!

Secondly, the magnitude of the suckitude of my apptitude at sports gave me a major attitude as a child.

It was horrific. I was no good at it, and gave it UP early.

He is to be commended for sticking in there.

I love that.

It would make for much better post game interviews too.
Well, he did, didn't he? LOL
Hey, when you've got it, you've got it!!!! WTG Buddy!!! And he should have a little pride, it's taken him a long time to get here!
Oh! I am so proud of him!
We're all celebrating with you! What a fun rendition of a minor victory. :)
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