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I'll Show You Some Curves

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Momo Fali's: I'll Show You Some Curves

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'll Show You Some Curves

This article has suggestions for buying jeans for women with curvy figures. Um...really, Women's Health magazine? Because the only curve I see is that bended knee.


We need truth in advertising.

"Fat Ass Jeans" to start with followed by fat ass models for them.
LOL! So true. Also like the woman in her 20s doing a commercial for an anti-wrinkle cream.
Shaking my head disgustedly because my left leg wouldn't fit in that entire pair of pants.
Seriously. I hate advertising like that. And then they wonder why people have eating disorders and low self esteem.
Lol to Always Home and Uncool!
As someone who is "curvy" (or, in my opinion, just fat) I am honestly pissed off at seeing that. WTF?! There is nothing "curvy" about ANY of those models legs.

Where are the muffin top models?! I feel cheated.
The knee, or those fugly short boots above them (HAAAAATE).
Eeesh. WOW. What's wrong with our society?
Men's Health is the far better magazine. The workouts and fitness advice are real (no lifting pink 3lb weights and expecting to get buff) and you don't have to wade through the advertorial about "curvy" models to get to the good stuff.
*throws up in mouth a little*

What's worse is that I don't think that was an ad. It looked like an article. Someone who is paid to be objective chose to draw those "women".
ughola.....yeah...curvy for sure.
Stick figures.
Curvy. LOL

Everyone has curves, at different arc degrees.

never mind curves, those legs are a mile long!!
Dig the negative space between the thighs of the middle figure. You could fly a kite through there.
That is so true! Good catch.
There is air space between her thighs.

The only time there's air space between my thighs is when I'm making a baby or having a baby.
I wasn't that thin when I hit 104 pounds (at 5'5") last January due to being extremely ill. Curvy figure?! That's absolutely crazy.
Since when should we be trusting Women's Health for fashion advice???
Wearing 6" spike heels with skinny jeans can't be good for your health.
That spread is wrong in so many ways!
Ahh hahahaha. I hate those magazine articles that give you hints for certain types of bodies. What if you possess ALL the problems areas? Short, curvy, busty. Then WTF do you do?
Oh goodness.. they are delusional..
LOL! Great call!

Thank you! I thought the same dang thing!!!!
That's absurd! yeah, I will show them curves...and lumps..and chunks...
That's the only curve I see too.
Seems only Saturday Night Live can even attempt to show what mini-curves look like
And none of those jeans are really that cute!
My 12 year old is tall, and could pull off a pair of jeans like that. Her straight, skinny European figure - she did not get that from me. Pass me the Lane Bryant catalog please. That is where my curvy figure jeans come from.
I used to fit in jeans like that...and then I turned 13! I've never had a gap btwn my thighs except for the same reasons as stated above, you aren't supposed to are you? I've never seen anyone like that in real life so I'm assuming my curves are what real women look like!

On a side note, just b/c I'm fat doesn't mean I'm short and fat, anyone know why you can't find long length in larger sizes?
Curvy jeans? Ha. I guarantee I'd have to buy those jeans 3 sizes too big to fit my hips, then belt the enormous waist it would have.

The only curvy jeans I've found that truly fit are the Lane Bryant/Fashion Bug ones.

And yeah, some models that actually ARE curvy would be nice!
Maybe by "curvy figure" they mean "woman with some small semblance of an ass." I've seen plenty of assless models.

I bet the jeans for every figure type look exactly the same.
You mean you DON'T have a gap between yoru thighs? I thought everyone had that...
Those jeans are perfect for me! THEY are ttotally BUTT-LESS!
If that's curvy, my gut is Hugh Jackman's abs.
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