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I Feel Worse Than I Look

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Momo Fali's: I Feel Worse Than I Look

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Feel Worse Than I Look

The title says it all.

The pain I've been feeling in my lower ribs since I was diagnosed with the swine flu last week was getting to be too much to bear. What started as hurting when I took a deep breath, changed to hurting when I breathed at all. Last night it changed to just hurting...period.

A chest x-ray today showed pneumonia. Just three days after finishing my Tamiflu, I am once again medicated; this time with an antibiotic. I'm trying not to watch the news, read the paper or, for crying out loud, surf the internet.

So many of you have sent well wishes that I felt I should at least update you...and beg for more prayers.

My son was put on an anti-viral last week as a precaution, but that didn't stop him from coming down with a sinus infection (which was likely a secondary bacterial infection following a mild flu...though we don't know for sure). He has been on antibiotics since Saturday and is feeling much better.

My daughter has been fighting a sore throat and headache for about a week. She's seeing her doctor in the morning.

My husband is totally fine. Lucky sucker.

I appreciate your concern and prayers. Thanks to everyone who is wishing me well.

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Sending hugs and healing thoughts your way!

Keeping you & your family in my thoughts & prayers!
I wish I could come and play nursemaid to you. I hope you get better soon and that it leaves your home without any more complications.
Momo- I hope that you kick this swine flu with pneumonia soon. Lots of prayers your way. -Jason
Poor momo!!! I am so sorry you are dealing with this. Get lots of rest and hey 'Days of Our Lives' doesn't suck that much this week--could be a good time killer for ya.
praying no one else in your house gets it!
OMG, you're a dedicated blogger, that's for sure. I would have dictated a post (if that) from the confines of bed and made my husband put it up. What a trooper. Prayers and hugs to ya. Wait. Cancel the hugs. I don't want what you have. Feel better, sweetie!
Oh that is miserable news for all of you!
So sorry!
I hope you get through all of this as quickly as possible!
WHAT? I missed your last post. Oh Momo, that's not good news at all! I wish you a speedy recovery and my thoughts and prayers are with you. You'll beat this!!
Ugh, poor you. Get better!
Feel better soon, babe.
oh my word...I had no idea. WOW! get better soon!
Momo, take care of yourself. I'm wishing especially hard for your little guy to get over his infection.
I hope you start to feel better soon, Momo. I'm worried about you! I am serious when I say I am really NOT THAT FAR and if Dado Fali needs help, let me know! I'll bring SOUP!

Girl, I am so sorry. That bites big time. That sounds so much like my baby, I wonder if he really did have the swine flu.. oh well

prayers for you and yours!
Missed your post about the swine flu... scary! Hope you feel better soon. Take good care of yourself.
Hope you are all better soon - all of you!
Yup 'dat flu is a biotch!!! And it's extra no fun when your kids gets it right along with you! Blech.

About your could be costochondritis - inflammation of the rib cartilage following an illness, especially where there was a lot of coughing. I had HORRIBLE bronchitis long ago and far away when I was 21 - three week of it complicated by asthma. By the time started feeling better the chest/rib pain set it - so bad I was put on straight codeine because just BREATHING (as you said) hurt like crazy.

If that is indeed what you have going on now, I am sure today's good anti-inflammatory meds would work wondrous rings over the junk there was back in the 80's.

Best wishes...astral chicken soup...and healing energies coming your way!

Oh and consider some echinacea/goldenseal tea - not only for healing but for comfort.

Moon in MO
Crossing fingers, flying the prayer flags, and wishing you and yours a speedy recovery. Be well soon, my dear.


You poor, poor thing. I wish you tons of good health vibes! Get well soon!!

Momo, I feel bad for you and I hope you feel healthy very, very soon. I'm sending healthy wishes and prayers your way. I hope your whole household is on the mend quickly.
Thinking of you and the family. Be well.
Get well soon, Momo. ~hugs~
If I could kick Swine Flu in the head for you I totally would. I'd pull a muscle for you any day, Momo. Sending you and your family (besides your hubby, since he's the lucky one who doesn't need it) good vibes all around.
Aww... Momo! I'm so sorry you're still down. Sending best wishes for a speedy (speedier anyway) recovery for you and the peeps.
That pain on breathing sounds like pleurisy--not fun. It's a staple symptom of lupus, and I feel for you.

Just sent up a prayer for all of you (again). We're with you!
You have our prayers as well. Hang in there and get better pleeeeease!
Oh Momo, feel better soon! I hope you heal quickly and that the kids don't get too sick...and that the hubby stays well too. ::hugs::
Wishing you good drugs, yummy juice and soup, lots of sleep, and a speedy recovery!
Oh Sweetie! Feel better soon! We had the swine flu here too, but luckily it didn't develop into pneumonia. Poor girl! Get lots of rest, and we'll do the praying!
Hugs and Hot soup!
Very selfish of you to contaminate all the others at the "Girls Getaway". Thanks Diane!

Thanks! I appreciate your obvious concern for me and my family. My doctor had cleared me to go back to work on Thursday, KNOWING I WORK AT A SCHOOL. I'm sorry you think I'm selfish. The pneumonia was a secondary bacterial infection that set in AFTER my flu. I had no way of knowing.
De-Lurking at the LEGENDARY Momo Fali site to wish you happier, healthier days. Hopefully, H1N1 is like chicken pox and you don't get it twice.
BTW, I say LEGENDARY because YOU shamed and guilted Busy Dad to blog again. I was worried that Fury had done him in. So PROPS to you for your ability to use the blogger mind trick to get him back in business.
Oh hang in there! So sorry - I know it's a misery.

Praying you are all well very soon!
My husband almost never gets the dread disease of the moment, whereas I get them all. I hope you feel better soon. That all sucks. Hope the kids stay as healthy as can be and no one gets worse.
Oh Momo..I have been following your updates on FB and feeling sooo bad.. I truly hope you feel better NOW.. I hope it all goes away right the heck now..
I love you, my dear. I hope each day is getting better. I would spoon feed you chicken soup if I lived closer!
I hope you feel better soon. Pneumonia stinks and I can't imagine that on top of H1N1.
Hope you (all) are back to healthy very soon!
I will keep praying for you to get better. I hope all of your family gets well soon.
Yikes. Now that is reality. I seriously hope this blows over for you yesterday.

Take care of yourselves.
Oh no, so sorry you have to deal with all that. Hope you all get better soon!
Wow, what a time to miss an update!

I hope you all get over this without too much more trouble, it's gotta be extra tough given your son's separate health issues.

Just think of it like a regular flu and beat it the old-fashioned way. Don't spend too much time stuck on the reputation and media coverage. Good luck, and keep us all updated!
Goodness. Please FEEL BETTER SOON.

Feel better soon Momo, and I hope your little ones do too. Miss M did Swine FLu over the summer. It's vile isn't it? But to have pneumonia on top if it is just awful. I hope you're really recovering and taking it easy. Am sending prayers. x
Hope your feeling better.
And how brave you are to post a picture of yourself feeling as yucky as you do
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