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Yeah, But Look At His Glutes

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Momo Fali's: Yeah, But Look At His Glutes

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Yeah, But Look At His Glutes

As practicing Catholics, it is customary for our family to genuflect when entering, and when leaving our pew at church. This means we bend the left knee and touch our right knee to the floor in the direction of the tabernacle.

This morning when Mass ended, I told my daughter she could go say hello to a friend as I stayed behind to talk to someone. I thought my son had followed his sister.

I soon learned otherwise, when I finished my conversation and turned to see my boy attempting to start a parish-based aerobics class. He was genuflecting at each and every pew on the way to the door.

For a split second I considered whether or not I should claim he was mine, when the woman in front of me turned to her husband and said, "Look at that kid doing lunges."


What a great story. I can completely picture it. Thanks for the giggle. Have a nice day.
Hilarious! What a vision!
how great is that? a bit of religion, a bit of exercise. it's a total package, your religion.
wait - i forgot to ask how much practising (of the religion) you have to do. how do you know when you've got it right?
Now, that is dedication.
Ha! I can so totally see this.
Is there such a thing as "genuflection by proxy"? If so perhaps your son could be helping out non-church going families like ours.

Great link to the lunges video. When my middle child asked what lunges were, I clicked on the link. ( Sometimes my boys like to know what I'm laughing at )
Funny boy!! wow, I'd never heard of that tradition adn I'm 35 years old; probably because I' not catholic, but I thought I knew a thing'er two.
I wouldn't make it long as a good catholic. My poor knees couldn't take the lunge to the floor, not even once. They already crackle just walking down my stairs.
I am also Catholic and I am LOLing on this one.
Well, he must have had a LOT of genuflecting to do!!
He can skip confession now, right?!
I guess that is what you call muscular christianity
LMAO!!!! Oh my...I am in tears..just be thankful he was leaving headed towards the back and not going towards the alter...imagine that!

Thank you for the hysterical mental picture!

I am hysterical over here.. and the video.. the video to go along with the visual. You and your son kill me..LOL
ha ha ha ha

I can just picture the whole scene happening. too cute

And That video... was funny!
Hee hee, as a not prctising very often Catholic that so made me giggle. He's lunging in the name of the Lord.
I love it! Appreciation and a good word for someone else's kid. Very cool.
Thanks for the giggle.
Ha!! I can remember genuflecting the morning after I'd tear the skin off my knee playing softball in shorts.
Reminds me of the movie in which Michael Palin is trying to remember how to cross himself, and finally comes up with: "spectacles, testicles, wallet, watch". My kidneys still hurt.

reminds me of the time my sister really watched as the priest came down the aisle for the processional at the beginning of mass. who knows what she paid attention during the processional the previous 156 masses she attended (give or take), but this morning, she "whispers" Is that GOD?!??

the priest missed a step. mom tried to sneak us out quietly after mass, but you know he wanted to meet the kid who thought he was god!

i've always thought catholic masses and kids made for *great* stories!
Does the Ministry of Funny Walks take outside submissions? Because this would take the cake. This boy is too friggin funny.
I foresee a new club forming at his school-- Crunchers for Christ
The wife is catholic, so we go to mass on sunday. I can only imagine how funny it'd be if Baby L did that when she gets older!

I lOVE your son. That is one of the loveliest stories I have ever heard.
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