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Just Once I'd Like To Find Some Cash In There

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Momo Fali's: Just Once I'd Like To Find Some Cash In There

Friday, April 4, 2008

Just Once I'd Like To Find Some Cash In There

Day before yesterday, I headed out to Home Depot to purchase some new blinds. In the pocket of my jacket, I had two Home Depot gift cards.

After talking to the salesman, I realized I had made some incorrect window measurements. Seeing as how once they cut them, you own them, I didn't want to purchase the blinds until I was positive about the mounting width.

Yesterday I went back with the corrections, but I was wearing a different jacket.

When I went to pay, I instantly let the cashier know that I'm a Mom. Because, instead of finding the gift cards in my pocket, I pulled out a used tissue, Thomas the Tank sunglasses, and a toy figure of Leo from The Little Einsteins.


This crap almost always happens to me lol. I can't tell you how many times we've gone out to eat at a place just BECAUSE we had a gift card/certificate...only to find we forget to pay with it or totally forgot it at home.
This happens to me all the time. The other day I got all the to the fish store only to find wallet was in my other coat. -sigh- Our tank is consequently still empty, since they wouldn't take Duplo blocks in trade for tetra fish...
OH, that is a RIOT!! Leno did this bit once, where he'd stop you on the street and ask what you had in your pockets, or purse. Parents always had the best stuff. (like you) It became a joke between my sister and I. I ALWAYS have the weirdest things in mine.
If you had rocket with you, you totally could've flown off and gotten your gift cards accompanied by some lovely art and beautiful classical music!
Ugh. Did you buy them anyway? Now you have any excuse to go back and buy something else. You still have to use your gift cards.
I once found earrings in my random pocket that I thought I lost for several months. That was lucky!
Sounds like my mum - whenever I go hopping with her, it seems that no matter what we buy she has a money off voucher.

Though I did make a boob today, because I when shopping thinking I had my debit card and when I got to the check out realised that I had two loyalty cards and no cash - I hate it when that happens.
That should read 'shopping with her' - it is a long time since I have hopped to impress her.
Oh the 'treasures' we find in our pockets.
I admit I am scared to put my hands in my coat pockets some days, esp. after I have not worn my coat for a year!
All that stuff should have given you triple bonus points and more free coupons on top of that.
Oh my God I hate that. I always have mad stuff like a few random raisins, a doll's arm and a Barbie shoe or something. Blahh.
If barbie shoes and snot rags were worth something I'd be a millionaire with my purse alone.

So are the blinds cute?
Ha! The same thing happens when coworkers get the backseat of my truck...old cheez it's, toys and kiddy cups.
Been there done that.

There was the time I pulled out my driver's license as a check ID, and my small son pointed at the picture and went, "That's my mom!" I smiled at the clerk and said I thought that was a pretty solid ID, don'tcha think?
I suddenly realized I was a mom when a salesclerk handed me a tissue to wipe the spit up off my shoulder (and hair). I had no idea how long it had been there . . . She didn't say a word. Just handed it to me . . .

So, you didn't get a chance to use the gift cards . . . ?
I once asked my sister for a tissue, she grabbed her 500lb purse pulled out toys, first aid kit, A ROCK and then the tissues.

I tell her that's why her back hurts.
I'm just amazed that you changed clothes. Good job!
too funny.
Got something for you on my site, something good!
Leo is so cute!

That was so off.
Did they accept the trade? Are you aloud to barter at Home Depot? LOL!
see now this is why i have the rule "always go to home depot in the same jacket"

this is different from my other rule "never go to ikea in the same jacket." this has become a very expensive rule. but i stick by it.
man, I keep ahold of my gift cards with something akin to a death grip!
rofl - I don't know how many times the same thing happened to me, too!
Oh dear, this sounds like a story straight out of my mother's little brothers are getting older, but they still keep her plenty busy.
I love coming here :-)
Thanks for the giggles and just remember, you are not alone :-)
Like just there.. I forgot the other m and that was almost remeber.. DOH!
too bad it was Leo..Annie has been missing at our place for weeks!
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