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It's Either Me Or The Illustrator...But, One Of Us Had Too Much Rum In Our Egg-Nog

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Momo Fali's: It's Either Me Or The Illustrator...But, One Of Us Had Too Much Rum In Our Egg-Nog

Sunday, December 2, 2007

It's Either Me Or The Illustrator...But, One Of Us Had Too Much Rum In Our Egg-Nog

Maybe Baby should try to find the rest of her face.

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ha ha ha ha ha .....

The picture is creepy. Your commentary... CLASSIC
It is probably next to the scotch.
Clicking on this post to enlarge the photo, I'm getting a (download file) pop up asking if I want to open or save. Is that what you intended? If not you might check...
Wendy at
had the same problem. Check her "What's up?" post a few days back.
She better not be looking for her face near that snowman's balls.
You know when it's so cold you say, "I'm freezing my ASS off!"?? Well, Baby apparently froze her facial features off!
Weird, I didn't see the picture, so I clicked on it, and I got this strange error from Google saying that my request looked like it was from spyware. Ah well!
Moonshadow and Stephen--
Hmmmm...weird. I checked my RSS feed and it looked fine, though there were some issues earlier. Hopefully, it's fine now.
and yet, I do think baby is cuter without a nose or mouth.
Oh dear Lord. Is she related to Caillou? Maybe her nose & mouth are with is hair?
Now that's my kind of toddler! Why couldn't I have had one of those?!
Oh girl, that cracked me up.
The snowman has more face than baby!
Is that a throwback to the old saying that kids should only be seen and not heard? If that's the case, then that little girl is doin it right.
Hee hee hee.

Scary baby.
Creepy. LOL.
Maybe she gave it to the snowman, maybe that's why he's smiling so big and she has her hands up?
That is FUNNY!
scary...I think the snowmans arm is wierd too.
It's working now. Yeah, I'm not too keen on the drawings with missing facial features. Animated characters with missing arms or legs (they have a torso, feet, and hands but no arms or legs) are just as creepy to me. :P
Hee,hee! Very disturbing that the snowman is more put together than baby...
Baby is completely creepy! and you are too funny!

Jenny-up the hill
Up the Hill Gang
Creepy Baby for sure! I don't like babies that are missing facial parts! Just creepy and wrong!
Love hour commentary for the picture though! Priceless words!
What's up with the one-armed snowman. I think there is more going on in this picture than we realize.

Blank baby face indeed.

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